Jul 10, 2012

Apricot Jam

I did a post about apricot jam back in 2008 but I decided that it was time for another one.

apricot jam

My friend, Sheri, calls this *Sunshine in a Jar*! And she's right! I love the warm, sunny color of apricot jam. I have 12 glorious, golden pints of goodness on my counter cooling right now. And the up side to my apricot jam recipe? The foam that is skimmed off during the cooking process becomes an additional pint of apricot syrup! Yummy!

Laster-evening Gordon and I pick what remained on the tree of the apricots. Since we live in a canyon we get some healthy wind here and have LOTS of windfall fruit. I've collected 6 grocery bags full of apricots and apples this week. All told we ended up with 3- 3 gallon [BYU ice cream] buckets of apricots. I don't know how to quantify that with the only previous crop because I discovered the wonder of BYU buckets since our last in 2008.

golden beauties

We always share our fruit with the Orem-variety of fruit-bats (2 families now!) and the neighbors. I'm thinking that if hard times come, and we know they eventually will, some apricot jam ought to liven up our food storage fair considerably.

So for this year... I will continue to be the little Grammie-jammie-maker.

jam maker

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