Jul 20, 2007

Harry Potter Maniac

I suppose I should be a little embarrassed by this, but I am a Harry Potter fan. I love the books. I have all of them! But tonight the 7th and FINAL book comes out! I have been in conundrums about this. I want to know what happens, but I don't want it to end.
I know that good will triumph over evil... but I know there will be losses. Probably Harry will lose more people who are close to him.
I have enjoyed this whole series of books so much. I love that JK Rowling adds in wisdom, morals (and the moral of the story is... too), and suspence.
I have all of the books on CD read by Jim Dale (love his voices). I never make a road trip without Harry. He has driven with me 1000's of miles. He has helped me work in the garden, remodel the bathroom, sew miles of quilts, and go to sleep at night when I can't shut off my brain.
I have to remind myself that this is just a story!

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