Nov 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories

I just love Thanksgiving. It is, without a doubt, my favorite holiday. And why not, all I have to do is have a yummy turkey dinner and enjoy my family!

Munce fam 1960
At Grama Munce's house in 1960. My mom at far left by Gra'ma & Granddad Munce, little Joanie, front and center, (what else! ), Ann & Sue directly behind me. My uncles and their families. (this was probably Easter, not Thanksgiving, but you get the picture. LOL!)

I'm sure that this goes back to the-good-ol'-days when we used to go to Gra'ma Munce's for Thanksgiving and congregate with my 2 uncles and their children. Gra'ma used to lament, "You cook for 2 days, eat it in half an hour and clean up for 2 hours!" It was an all-out affair with the good dishes and linens and dressed up attendees. We stayed with my grandparents in Oakland. My uncles and their families lived in the Bay Area. What lovely memories.

1 comment:

Anke said...

I love this Joanie! I have some pics of myself, same era, same kind of dress all poofed out. Hilarious!!! I love old pictures, I hope you'll do a nice page with it!!!