Dec 28, 2009

362- Lighted Trees

Up around the corner one of my neighbors has all of their front yard trees wrapped just like at Temple Square. I've wanted to get a shot of them since I saw them earlier this month. I have one word for night-time low light shots... TRIPOD! (I took 37 shots without said tripod because it was just to cold to haul that up there. I deleted most of them!)

362- lighted trees

Guess what else I found... birdhouses! They are very popular in my neighborhood. Hmm, maybe come spring I need to build some birdhouses!


Miranda said...

Just found you reading the forum at Jessica Sprague. Love the idea of doing a 365 next year.

Seeing your pictures makes me want to do this even more.

Love the borders on your photos with your name and the stamp with the day and number.

Gonna follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to look at but waaayyyyy toooo much work. It's good of them to be so energetic and provide such beauty for the neighborhood.