Dec 10, 2009

344- Tracks in the Snow

On Monday and Tuesday this week I went outside to *blow-snow* (boy, that sure is easier than the back-breaking shoveling). We live on a corner lot (again... what is with me and the corner lots?) and are responsible for snow removal on the sidewalks around our property (yeah... and cleaning off the road so the mail-lady can get to our mailbox).

But I digress! I have this whole sequence of snow blowing so I only have to move it once instead of twice. I often wonder why I clear off the sidewalk that runs up the side of our house that no one walks on except me. Today I found out why... it is for me... and for the neighborhood deer. There are only my tracks and the deer. (my track is in the upper left corner)

344- deer tracks

As I was out for my walk today I noticed a fat little quail walking on the snow but it wasn't until my return trip that I saw he'd left behind little quail-snow-angels. I love how you can see his walking tracks, then he started to use his wings, more, more and finally... take-off with one last little faint wing print and little foot print. How beautiful!!

344- quail angels

Finally on my way back into the house, there on the deck steps, one last little set of birdie tracks... what a fun explore in the arctic air.

344- bird tracks


Sarah E Boucher said...

I have to admit the first day with real snow that sticks usually freaks me out....but this year I just marvelled at the soft fluffiness blanketing everything that morning. It was just stunning! Apparently the little animals like it too!

Mom and Dad said...

Wayne asked if you had your little quail prints posted. Isn't the way life happens interesting?
Love ya, kiddo.