Dec 1, 2010

335- Holy Family

Two years ago today I started my December *Photo of the Day* journey. Little did I know that it would grow into a two-year-long project!

It has been a wonderful journey! I've never kept a consistent journal before, what a blessing, besides that it has given me a wonderful creative outlet, improve my photography and editing skills,and  have a place to write about the things I feel, to work out grief, occasionally have a vent, but mostly revel in the joy of life that has been granted to me by my loving Heavenly Father.

335- holy family

I thought it was only fitting to let my little Lumix marsupial-pocket-camera be the star again... she is the one I started with. This is also the original frame I used when I started. I love the feeling of going back and revisiting that start so long ago... today is the 700th day! Amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a joy taking this trip with you. Thanks for sharing.