Look at the darling detail work!
Now I know that they say that this is a cow purse (which in never bad in my opinion) ... BUT it looks just like a pinto pony to me! So that's what it is!
I just want to go somewhere so I can carry my new purse... silly girl!
(On another funny note- when I was tagging this post I found that "shopping" is no where to be found in my tag cloud! I guess that's a good thing!)
My Misty would love that bag I think...I may have to check it out!!!
cool bag!!! That was a deal hard to resist! :)
How do you add a search engine? And I guess that means you have to add tags to all your blog posts LOL. I never know what to tag them with so I generally don't. There goes my search...
I love the photo treatment on the previous post, your Beatrix looks awesome!
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