I finally took the plunge... I have been telling Desi to cut my hair "long" for years now and she finally did! We actually did this over two weeks ago, but I have been slow in getting a good photo that I wanted to post. I am very happy with my new hairstyle. Many people tell me that it makes me look younger. I can like that! This photo was taken by Cindy at Jake and Cody Boucher's (my nephew) open house.

The funny/sad part is that Desi & I hadn't planned to do this. I actually went in for a perm and she had extentions so we went to Rock Star Hair in American Fork and bought the supplies. We went back to the salon and she worked on me until... you guessed it... HER OTHER APPOINTMENTS came!! I had to go kill 4 hours at the mall and Costco with a "mean-spirited-mullet". Definitely not my best look!

But I think that one of the interesting things about this new hairstyle is its similarity to one from long ago... as evidenced by this photo of Tony and I in May 1973. I was just a little pip-squeak of 20 and pregnant with Rebekah.