So the very next day we went on a little explore up through Heber Valley to find it. The falls DID NOT disappoint! The winter snow run-off is wonderful! Such a rich blessing to this parched desert land!
I grew up in a little valley in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California so getting *back to nature* always feeds my soul!
We hiked around a little from the top of the falls (above) all the way down to this log *barracade* (you shouldn't go around that!)

The minute I got down to the bottom and past this monolith, a distant relation to Stonehenge (see side view above)...
I was instantly this...
The mist coming off the falls brought tears to my eyes, and joy and thankfulness to my heart. I was instantly revitalized and this darling little 5-year old ballerina again.Gordon is always so patient with me when I am getting my nature (or photographic or potty or whatever) fix. I so appreciate that about him!
I took my shoes off and put my toesies in the freezing water that instantly is TOO COLD!
And after a respectable (and respectful) amount of time, I bid farewell to this new *best friend*!
And, we will be back...