Jun 7, 2008

Joanie's Little Explore

One of the things that I love best about being here in Springville, UT, at the mouth of Hobble Creek canyon, is that I am so close to nature. I love the feeling that I have come back home, even though I've never lived here before. When I look out my bedroom window I am able to see Maple Mountain, in all her glory, presiding over the south end of Utah Valley. I've heard it said that she is one of the most symmetrical mountains,greatly enhancing her beauty.

I posted earlier about my quest to find the right photo for the cover of the upcoming 8th ward cookbook. That is what precipitated my little explore! I love to walk the paths that are near my house. It makes such a lovely activity.

I love the fact that there are portions of trail that skirt right along the creek. I love the smells and the feeling of the air. It takes me back to those Greenville-days when I would play with abandon at Wolf Creek for hours on end. It makes me remember with horror how I used to ride up creek on my horse, Blue, to the bridge and then we would run back full-tilt, me whoopin' like an Indian, to the swimmin' hole where a gigantic wave would frequently wash me right off. (I'd say, "What was I thinking?" But obviously, I wasn't!!)

I love the sound of the creek rushing on its way to who knows where.

I'm love the look of a downy dandelion in full seed ready for a breath of wind to spread its seeds for another crop of happy yellow flowers.

I love the evidence that other creatures that call this their home as well. It makes me wonder where the beaver is that chewed this tree down and who it was that knocked down his dam.

I love the skeleton trees reaching towards the azure sky remembering better days when it was in full bloom like its healthy neighbor.

In all of these serendipitous occurrences I feel the tender mercies of a loving Heavenly Father who knows that this would be a very happy place for me to be.

1 comment:

NanaSue said...

I love your photography. Truely a beautiful place to live.