It appears that the cookbook is nearing completion. But not without a few more bumps in the road. We never dreamed that so many recipes would be turned in. We had close to 1100 (Morris Press only shows pricing for up to 1050. And, no, we didn't win the prize, some other crack-head ladies did one with 1800 recipes!). Somewhere along the way we got the idea of combining recipes. I even called the folks at Morris Press to ask if this was ok, we didn't want to do all that work for nothing. I was assured that this was ok to do. So we started combining with a vengeance, and not without some interesting results (see the aforementioned link).
So here we are, right down to the wire, June 30th is the deadline for all the money-saving offers we want to take advantage of. We are firming up how the order needs to go in, how many we need, what style tabbed dividers we want, etc. So on Wed 6/25 (yeah, 5 days to deadline!) Debra called Morris Press again with all of our last minute questions. The more questions she asked the less the people on the other end of the phone knew. Finally they connected her with some who really did know!
When I got home from my day at the Temple on Wednesday evening Debra broke the bad news (I just knew it was going to be that they didn't want my cover!) Nope, perhaps worse... all the combining... welp, the system, computer, whatever; wouldn't recognize that many "variation/parts" and would throw out the offending recipe, thereby losing all of them!
Nobly we started uncombining again, and let me tell you, this is no easy feat! The Type'nSave program is a database of sorts with each portion of the recipe going into its own cell. So, for example, 1 / (10oz) / can / mandarin oranges, took 4 separate cells and thus for each ingredient. Fortunately, the directions could be cut and pasted. But can you say "Time-Consuming"? Yeah, me too.
While we were all working down at Diane and Debra's house we started taking about, "Never AGAIN!"- things we have done and wondering "how on earth did I ever get myself into this" situations.
I felt pretty certain that I had the winner- Camille's first year of cheer leading back in 1994 (she was only in 4th grade). We found out the the cheer uniforms were going to be so expensive, about $200 per girl. But how could that be, it was ridiculous! I could make them for so much less! So I did (said the Little Red Hen). THIRTY-SIX darling little uniforms; 36 cute little (and, not so little) gold leotards and 37 cute little purple skirts with gold pleats and a darling bib top! (One had to be remade because one of the cheerleaders gained 10 # in the 6-weeks it took from fitting to delivery!)

But then Diane told me about her adventure in bears... 500 BEARS! (500 bears for a Stake Relief Society day eons ago and she just unloaded the last 40 in a garage sale!!!) Yeah, she won, hands down.
What makes us do such things? Do we think we are Super-Woman, Shera-Warrior Princess? I have no idea!
If you have any thoughts on the matter, get back to me. Or better yet see if you can top Diane's 500 RS bears
I am convinced that the LDS Superwoman Syndrome is passed down from the first women in RS that could do everything AND be 8 months pregnant. ;-)
The epitaph on my headstone will be, "How hard could it be?"
P.S. There's a little something over at the Rosehaven Cottage blog for you.
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