Yesterday I stopped at Sonic for a Dr. Pepper so today I had the cool Styrofoam cup, lid and straw and I just refilled it with my own sub-standard ice, (I LOVE Sonic's crushed ice!!) and DP. For some unknown reason I squeaked the straw up and down, you know the sound (especially if you've ever watch Toy Story).
Harley was in on the back of the couch in the front room... his favorite place to watch the world outside. He came to investigate the noise.

I made more squeaking noises. He wasn't sure about that and ran away. But it didn't take him long to pick up on the fact that this was a game! So I proceeded to chase him all over the house squeaking.
Then he did my classic, well-loved dog behavior. (This dog has some serious hops!) He leaped onto the "old" brown couch, turned on the speed and ran the gambit at a 45 degree angle along the backs of that couch and the "new" couch, leaped to the top of the love seat, bounded off onto the carpet and scrambled up the stairs. By this time I was weak with laughter and collapsed onto the love seat! What a funny doggy!

We played a little more and then he went to his "happy place" in Papa's arms. He knew he was safe there and that the mean noise couldn't get him anymore.
I will be the first to admit that I am not a dog lover, but I can certainly appreciate when they do something crazy...and I will do anything I can to encourage the nutty behavior. Sometime you will have to ask me about the baby chicks, but not here where I could still get in trouble for it!
Mean mommy! Aren't they fun? I love when my dog starts runnung through the house like crazy, just for the fun of it
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