- Indexed/arbitrated almost 25,000 names at Family Search (which has given me a wonderful way to participate in family history)
- Traveled to the east coast, the west coast and the south coast (TX) to see all of our grandchildren.
- Discovered Jessica Sprague and her PhotoShop coolness in digital scrapbooking. (see below my very first experience with Jessica and her PSF)
- Taken 2 AWESOME classes from said Jessica and LEARN SO MUCH!
- Read and/or listened to Harry Potter books, ummm, more times than I want to admit (Harry helps me do so many things!)
- Had a new grandson and granddaughter arrive. Plus one almost grandson.
- Grown my hair out! I'd had the same hairstyle for 18 years. It is now chin length, photo coming soon.
- Adopted an dog. He's getting better behaved every day!
- Posted to my blog 61 times.
- Attended BYU Ed Week and BYU Women's Conference (always a wonderful treat)
- Studied the scriptures and gain more spiritual insight.
- Gotten a year older...
- And so many other things I just can't think of them all...

My first Jessica Sprague experience (actually done 13 months ago) Photo taken 6/19/07, 'Shopped 6/21/07
I've considered giving my blog a face lift, but for right now I am happy with the look I have, I am up to my eyebrows in early fruit and just don't have the energy to read all the blogger cheats to learn how to do something cool and exciting!
Thanks to all of you who've made this journey with me. I look forward to many more years of blog-dom.
Okay... this post for sure has me going back over to Jessica's to check out her site... AGAIN. Maybe I'll be brave this time.
congratulations on your anniversary! Btw., how do you make your blog so wide, did you change anything? Mine is so narrow, I can't even put 2 pictues next to each other. It looks great!
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