Jul 15, 2008

A New Family Member

You just never do know what is going to be waiting for you in your in box when you get up in the morning! Monday I got a lovely surprise. Cindy, my *sister-niece* and family historian/keeper of all digital photos, forwarded me an email from a heretofore unknown Caraway cousin, Joyce!! I am nearly euphoric! (Joyce found Cindy through Ancestry.com when she responded to a photo of Fleming Caraway, our grandfather.)

Some might wonder why so here are the answers:

First, and foremost, I LOVE family! I just do!

Second, I have a dearth of known cousins. On my Daddy's side most of the cousins are so much older than I am that there hasn't been any contact and the Caraways are a non-communicative lot. Sadly there are only 4 cousins on my Mom's side and they are equally non-communicative.

So now we have Joyce. The emails have been flying hot and fast through cyberspace! What wonderful instant-gratification. I look forward to learning more about this wonderful cousin.

Did I mention how much I love family?

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