Aug 25, 2008

Adventures in Moving

Usually that line is associated with U-Haul. Fortunately, there was not need to involve U-Haul this time (except for using saved boxes from our move 3.5 years ago!) Just lots of foot work... but not as much as 4 months ago.

The moving was taking place at Camille's apartment complex, and yes, she was the one moving, AGAIN! In April she and Katie moved into a 2-bedroom 2-bath apartment for the cheap spring/summer rates, but now that it is time for fall term the rent was going to go sky-high! That meant another move.

The funny part is that none of these moves has been that far, just down AND up a couple of stairwells. In the spring we just did the "let's tote it" type of move and wore ourselves out with all the downing and upping. This time we really lucked out. The landing that leads to her apartment just happens to randomly wrap around the building to ONE of the four bedrooms of the new abode. I had the bright idea to take off the screen of said bedroom and just pass the boxes through that window! It worked like a charm!!! No downing... no upping... we even moved a bed through that window.

As I like to say in my best dyslexic form... "Mother is the necessity of invention."


Anke said...

A bed? Now that's funny! Mothers just seem to have more of a brain, don't they? Sounds like a fun weekend!

Ukulele Blake said...

Joanie, are you not well?
A post....WITHOUT a graphic.
Now just stop what your doing and edit the post (add something). We need it!

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

LOL! That's too funny!


P.S. Blake is right! ;)