Aug 29, 2008

They're Here!!

I got a call earlier this week from Deb telling me that the cookbooks would be arriving on Friday!! How exciting! It took a semi to deliver them (and I'm told a $1700 shipping fee) to get them from their origin to Debra's garage down the street from me. Now comes the fun part... (really it is the fun part) Debra and Diane get to pass them out to everyone who's ordered them.

Since they live so close I just took my garden cart down to their house and loaded it up! I was going to drag it home but Stuart fortuitously arrived so I whistled him down there to drag for me. Such a good boy!

I don't know if I ever mentioned before that I'd ordered 20 and by the time the order was placed each one of them had a place where it was going... what no extras? As it turns out, there are a few extras so maybe I will end up getting a couple more so I will have them on hand for gifts.

It is very satisfying to see my design, in print, on the cover. Hard to describe, but very satisfying.


Janna said...

Yeah I can't wait to get mine tomorrow! You did such a GREAT job on the cover, I absolutely LOVE it!

debra said...

WAHOO! I can't believe they're done and in our hands! I can't thank you enough for ALL your help with them... that cover is AMAZING! You are fabulous and again- THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!