Since they live so close I just took my garden cart down to their house and loaded it up! I was going to drag it home but Stuart fortuitously arrived so I whistled him down there to drag for me. Such a good boy!
I don't know if I ever mentioned before that I'd ordered 20 and by the time the order was placed each one of them had a place where it was going... what no extras? As it turns out, there are a few extras so maybe I will end up getting a couple more so I will have them on hand for gifts.

It is very satisfying to see my design, in print, on the cover. Hard to describe, but very satisfying.
Yeah I can't wait to get mine tomorrow! You did such a GREAT job on the cover, I absolutely LOVE it!
WAHOO! I can't believe they're done and in our hands! I can't thank you enough for ALL your help with them... that cover is AMAZING! You are fabulous and again- THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!
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