Sep 12, 2008

Journaling (with stress)...

I have to admit that my new Type + Writer class is not without stress. As I've participated in the "free-write" I've analyzed some of my feelings about this. I'm happy with my style of writing and capturing on paper what I have in my heart. BUT then when the "free-write" has rules I start to panic. I am right back in high school (or elementary school) and struggling with my undiagnosed dyslexia and just feeling plain ol' dumb! I have to remind myself that it's ok to be me AND learn new and exciting ways to communicate, but it doesn't come without the accompanying stress.

I've always been drawn to fonts and I love the look of a well set title. I love the way it pulls you into the page. I love the flourish of beautiful fonts or penmanship (something I never perfected).

I love the quote that I've used on the 20 small things layout. I found it when I was looking for quotes for my Quotes Album (still to be completed). It speaks to my heart about the road I've traveled. I am so grateful that is the case.

This road trip layout is actually the 1st assignment. The writing prompt was to make a list of our last adventure, and I LOVE bulleted lists!!! It was so easy and fun to bullet thoughts that described our latest road trip. I loved the list so much that I used it as an overlay on the background paper to capture all of my thoughts.

1 comment:

Anke said...

Joanie, if you hadn't mentioned the overlay I wouldn't have noticed it. I am so glad I looked, it looks so cool.What a great idea. Both of your pages came out wonderful! You already know how to express yourself so well! It is a fun class though