I've always been drawn to fonts and I love the look of a well set title. I love the way it pulls you into the page. I love the flourish of beautiful fonts or penmanship (something I never perfected).

I love the quote that I've used on the 20 small things layout. I found it when I was looking for quotes for my Quotes Album (still to be completed). It speaks to my heart about the road I've traveled. I am so grateful that is the case.

This road trip layout is actually the 1st assignment. The writing prompt was to make a list of our last adventure, and I LOVE bulleted lists!!! It was so easy and fun to bullet thoughts that described our latest road trip. I loved the list so much that I used it as an overlay on the background paper to capture all of my thoughts.
1 comment:
Joanie, if you hadn't mentioned the overlay I wouldn't have noticed it. I am so glad I looked, it looks so cool.What a great idea. Both of your pages came out wonderful! You already know how to express yourself so well! It is a fun class though
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