Sep 2, 2009

245- Mr Mouw

Are you trying to figure out how to say that? It rhymes with mouse without the "s" sound. It is one of Simba's nicknames. When I call him I say "Mouw-mouw- mouw-mouw-mouw!" in a high pitched voice and sometimes will even throw in "Whisker LIC-kens". The funny thing about all the meowing is that you rarely hear Simba utter a meow.

When Simba was a baby-cat brand-new at our house in March 1995 we already had our Amber the wonder-dog. We wanted Amber to be kind to our new little addition so we put Simba into Amber's bed with her. That funny Mr Mouw snuggled right in and tried to nurse on Amber. Poor Amber was so confused by that, but it was the beginning of a fast friendship. Simba's mom was Siamese and his daddy was a big orange tabby so he has many of the vocal characteristic of the Siamese. He makes squeaks, silent meows and barks, yes, barks! I like to say he was raised by wolves!

245 Amber & Simba

When I was out taking photos of my grapes I happened to be in the serendipitous position to capture this shot of our Nims! What a grand old-man cat he is.

245- Mr Mouwe
BRUSHES- Worn_HighRes003, Script_Brushes_by_LadyVictoire, RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, FONT- Angelic War, Felix Titling ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2


Anonymous said...

Oh, that picture makes me want to snuggle with your kitty!

Sarah E Boucher said...

Joe has the same crazy little tongue! Weird! But a cute long skinny catman there :)