Sep 14, 2009

257- Caden's Success

First off I have to say that if I leave this house one more time without my camera I may just have to give myself a whoopin'!

Tonight Caden and Brock had a Chi-Tu Do (martial arts) performance and awards night. At the end it was time to let all the students try their hand (bwahahahaha) at breaking boards. Caden got up there and smashed his! (And there is just no substitute for my wonderful Rebel XS with my camera phone... but that's all I had.) I was lucky enough that it decided to snap the photo just at the precise moment of breakage! Way to go Caden!

257- Chi-tu do


Anonymous said...

That's amazing. What a champ. Tell him Auntie P said so. Another fantastic moment for Caden.

Mom and Dad said...

Good for Caden!! How thick was the board??
And I like it when I can talk about your marsupial pocket camera so don't give yourself a whoppin' . . . what are you, a depressed house elf??