Jan 26, 2010

026- That Place...

A bunch of years ago when now 10-year-old Caden was just a little boy (about 3) they were visiting at Grammie's house. Whenever the boys were going to visit I would get the kinds of things that Grammies get to spoil their grandchildren! But since Grammie had frequent grandkid visits she'd put kiddie latches on any cupboard that she didn't want rearranged (read... ALL OF THEM!)

So little Caden came into me early one morning. Hungrily he asked, "Grammie, you know that place where you lock up the food?" I thought I would die laughing!

Now I will make a little shift; I frequently say that little dogs are everything that is good about a three year-old!

Now can anyone tell me what Harley is saying? Yes, I distinctly heard him say, "Grammie, you know that place where you lock up my treats?"

026- treat
FRAME- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_BlackFrame FONT- Albemarle Swash, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- Metallic texture, Vatican Expo, Worn Well 2, Scratch the Surface 6, Experitmental Grunge 6, BRUSH- destroyed heraldry 1

1 comment:

Camille said...

No, no...It's "that place where you HIDE the food."