This morning I wanted to get photos of my dandy temporary fence to-keep-Harley-in-the-backyard. But look what I saw first? A beautiful winter sunrise. I don't see many of these... I just don't get up that early!
FRAME- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_BlackFrame FONT- Albemarle Swash, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, OVERLAY- SunlightLeft, Sunrise
Now here we go... the dandy-makeshift-temporary fence. I located the saved hog wire and stakes from the aforementioned project (see yesterday's post) but the fence just looked so flimsy; like the first time Harley gave a jump on it that it would fall right over. I dug around in the shed (now, in the dark) and found several stakes or stake-a-likes (bwahahahaha, left-overs from the deck). I wove those through the wire at the top. Ta-da... a sturdier fence. I took Harley out there to look at it so he wouldn't go dashing out there and do a doggie-prat-fall.
I can't tell you the number of times I say verbal thanks for the things my folks taught me; like being tricky, resourceful (and double-flavored) and competent! Now if I could just be accurate with the sledge-hammer I wouldn't have a very sore and bruised thumb! Oh, well, I guess I can't be Shera- warrior princess today!
Well, maybe not "Shera- warrior princess" but you definately are a Wonder Woman! And that sunrise photo...WOW and WOW. Now I gotta go look at yesterday's post. A friend of mine in Spanish Fork copied and pasted a status from one of her fb friends pleading with everyone to keep a lookout for their 2 black labs that got loose after the storm took out their fence.
Is there anything you can't do? Looks like a mighty fine fence to me. You're my hero, my best friend, my sister by choice, you're the BEST EVER.
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