Jul 15, 2010

196- Ready and Waiting

Camille moved into her new house about a month ago and has been sleeping on a borrow futon since Kevin still had *their* bed at his house.

I just couldn't face the thought that they will return home from their week-long honeymoon and have to sleep on a futon!

So I worked some of my *Mommy-magic* and made Kevin's bed magically appear in their new house! Pretty clever, eh? Bet Harry Potter can't even do that.

196- C&K quilt

As I made the bed today I was pleasantly surprised to see that I'd planned ahead (but apparently forgot! sigh!) and the quilt I made for Camille a year or so ago is also queen size... I guess I rock! Even if I forget that I rock!

And since this cool quilt never got its debut here... today makes up for that. I introduce-

Camille's spottie-dottie-polkie-dottie quilt!

186- Camille's polkie-dottie quilt

(Please take note of the dead duck in both photos... how will Kevin feel about sharing *his* bed with Quackie?)


Anke said...

both of those are gorgeous! What a surprise they'll have when they get home! You are just the sweetest!! :)

Sarah E Boucher said...

Wow! I love that polka-dottie quilt. I just did my orange toes with white polka dots...I am always glad you shared your dotters trick with me. And it must be a Caraway thing, as my mom always makes sure my bed is made after she's helped me move in, so I always have somewhere to crash, no matter how many boxes are still unpacked.