Jul 26, 2010

207- Drive-by Fruiting...

On April Fools Day I got the worst trick of all... SNOW on my apricot blossoms. This is our 6th spring here and only one year have we gotten any apricots. I was just a bit discouraged by that fact. I did the only thing I knew how to do... I prayed that somehow, someway some of those blossoms would survive.

Then on April 20 I was taking a little explore in the backyard and saw some very encouraging sights... tiny, baby apricots- somehow, someway had survived and were growing on MINE TREE.

Last week when I was mowing I observed that my apricots were nearly ripe! I found one that was ripeish... but still a little tart. Ah, wonderful, beautiful apricots!

So *lasterday* at family dinner I suggested to everyone that they should all go pick a bag of apricots... but they all forgot!

So THIS day found me picking and delivering fruit to my sweet family.

207- apricots

This is certainly not a bumper crop year but what it is is a prayer answered, a gift given and now shared. What a blessing.

207- apricots delivery


Dean and Sheri said...

I LOVE the photos. I LOVE apricots. In fact, I'm going to my friend, Maxine's, house this morning to pick some of her sweet apricots. If I don't run out of time or steam, I'll make jam too. I LOVE apricot jam. Love this post. Love YOU...WOW...I'm really "feelin' the LOVE" this morning!

Jessica said...

I think my kids ate 30 each yesterday and Doug took a bunch of them for lunch today. Christian and I are plotting some dehydration. You know there's nothing this family loves more than drive by fruitings! Thank you!