Feb 19, 2008

Yosemite Falls

Orton effect layout
Liv@ the Spraground says,"Wow, Joanie, this photo looks ethereal!! Great job with the challenge!"

My niece, Cindy, made a post to her blog recently about Yosemite. That wonderful place has deep roots in this girls heart!

I grew up hearing wonderful stories from both my parents, but my mom in particular, always accomodated me with requests for my favorites: ie "Tell me about when I was born." ,"Tell me about when I was 2.", etc.
But there is one story that didn't get told too often but stuck in my brain. I'm not even sure my mom told me... I may have read it in my Granddad's (William Munce) writings. It is the story of him being told by his wife (Elsie Marie Ernestine Pump Munce) that "you planted a seed under Royal Arch!" That baby was my mom... the love affair with Yosemite started.

My grand parents- Bill & El Munce

Rebekah lives only an hour south of Yosemite in (aptly named)Yosemite Lake Park aka YLP. So now when I go to Yosemite to that place where so long ago Bill and El sealed their love I come with their great-great-grandsons! I love this circle of life.

The Flynns and Grammie 2/06 (also w/Orton effect)

Don't you dare try this!!
Granddad Bill Munce handfeeding bears at Yosemite
summer 1912
(when Elsie Louise Munce was conceived!)

1 comment:

kimi kreations said...

Looks Great Joanie!!