Mar 3, 2008

The Coolest Thing!

I just learned the coolest thing on Saturday. I knew, basically, that I could combine photos to get the best shot of everyone, but I'd never done it successfully. It took getting an email from Adobe trying to sell me Photoshop Elements 6.0 (hmmm I have that already!) and their little one-minute video commercial. I'd tried this with a different photo, but with no success. So I stopped the commercial video several times to determine, without any detailed instructions, where they were doing this magic. (I tracked them down like the wild-dogs that they are and figured it out.)

Back row L-R: Curtis, Stuart, Rebekah , Ryan , Jessica (Doug's wife) holding Roxie, Nikki (Ryan's wife), Kevin & Suzi, Doug, Camille, Gordon, Ashton (D&J's), me, Joanie, Tadhg . Front row L-R: Christian (D&J's), Brock and Caden, Tricia & Spencer holding baby Riley (Not here for photo: Erik & Megan, Brandon, Melissa, Bryan, Brandon, Jim & Kristi, Mackenzie, Preston)

When everyone was here last summer for the Family Reunion I got this family group shot (these chances come along VERY SELDOM when you have a large family... we are still missing several of our sweeties!) But it is nearly impossible to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time (unless, of course, I ask them all to make a goofy face!) So the above photo is the composite of everyone's best shot. Below are the photos that were the base to draw from.

(click on photos to enlarge)

I guess I would have to say that I am a pretty lucky girl to 1) have such a great family and 2) have learned these fun tricks.
OK... now here is a funny addendeum - Camille wrote me an email (as follows) about which faces really were the best! I had to agree with her so I went in and edited the photo again. I couldn't accommodate all of them, but I tried. What do we think now?

  • Ok so this is what I've come up with...I don't really know how this whole technology works so I don't know if you have to do certain people from the same picture or what...but this is what I think. Also, there are lots of side comments, but you are gonna have to deal with the details! haha...
    Curt- 2 (1 is close so maybe it doesn't matter, but 2 is a little more of a smile)
    Stu- definitely 2
    Bek- I think 3...she looks pretty in all of them but there are no wrinkles between her eyebrows in 3 and she is smiling bigger
    Ryan- 1 or 2, depending on whether you prefer teeth or no teeth
    Jessica- 1 (but 2 is also close)
    Roxie- 1 (but 2 is also close)
    Nikki- 2 (but it doesn't really matter, 1 and 2 are real similar and 3 is cute in a different way)
    Kevin- 3 (maybe...or 1...whichever you think)
    Suzi- i like 3 but I also like 1 so it depends on what kind of look you are going for
    Doug- 2 (but they are all close)
    Me- I prefer 1, i thought i looked stupid in 3 which you picked ...I can't really decide because I don't really like any of them, but Alissa just said she likes 3 best and then 1 after that so you decide
    Dad- any of them, I guess...I kind of liked number 1 but maybe you liked the laughing smile thing he is doing in 3...whatever
    Ashton- 3
    Mom (you)- I like 2 best but its your call because its your picture
    Tadhg- 3
    Christian- 1 (dang, that boy is handsome!)
    Brock- all are cute for different reasons so whatever you want (3 is really cute but hes not actually looking at the camera so maybe you have issues with that)
    Caden- 3 is good but 2 is cute too in that shy way of his
    Tricia- 1 or 2, cant decide
    Spen- 2 (you picked 3 and that is good but I like 2 a little better)
    Riley- 1...or any, it doesn't matter and I don't even know if you can change that
    How's that, enough detail for you? Love you!

1 comment:

mE said...

Hey Joanie!

This photo is way cool! You did a great job extracting everyone's best faces!!!

I love your new header, too!

INky Smiles!