I finally remembered to get a family shot tonight while the kids were here for dinner. I am so grateful to be able to see them and spend time with them. Little Riley is so precious. What fun to be able to visit with him and his folks. (I've told my children that I am sorry that they automatically become second priority when they have children!!)
More Fred-Footies...

Auntie P wanted more photographic evidence that Riley has Grammie's Fred-Flintstone-Feet.
That Riley is so cute:) I cant beleive how big he is!!How long are they in town for?...
Your photos are so cute Joanie. You make a great family. It must be nice when they come to visit.Btw. his feet are adorable
I found your blog linked to Debra's. Isn't blogging fun? What a beautiful picture of your family!
Joanie, what a great pic full of love and happy and family. You all look so satisfied!!
Love ya, kiddo!
So I'm leaving two comments. Look at my blog and you'll see who that darling little Riley looks like . . . His Grammie, several years ago!!!
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