There are two ways to get down to the springs, one is fairly steep, but not dangerous and the other has a very friendly incline/decline, but of course is longer. DeLoris told me that as long as I didn't rush her we'd be ok. So off we started on the longer, less steep way. I love my outings with DeLoris, we both enjoy nature and when one goes at a lesuirely pace one sees all sorts of of wonderful things.
The first thing that really caught our attention were these sweet little red wildflowers. I have no idea what they are. I'd taken a photo of them back on the road, but they hang down... DeLoris tipped it up so we could see how pretty they were.
The next thing to skittering across our path was this spider with an egg sack in tow as large as itself! It stopped and *played dead* or was just being cooperative so I could get some good photos of it. Just think... in a week or so there will be tons of baby spiders all over the place. (Maybe I won't go back for a little while!)
There are these clever boardwalks that traverse the springs and one can get up-close-and-personal with nature. This little fellow was out on the edge trying to catch some sun and warmth between showers.
Just beyond the snake was this small columbine with a beetle on it. After I was finished shooting DeLoris asked what I'd been looking at. She was looking in the distance at the brush... but loved the little bug once she saw it.
We'd agreed that we wouldn't walk too far and wear her out. Well, the rain decided to come and really cut our walk short. When we got to the place where we had to choose the long easy way or the short steep way DeLoris handed me her cane, hooked her arm through mine and said let's go! I think we were both surprised how fast we could walk up that hill with a little incentive! Like I said... SPUNKY!
I have more photos of our outing, but I think I will save those for another post and other thoughts.
Oh thank you for that lovely nature walk with you and DeLoris. I enjoyed it very much.
Love, Sheri
Remind me never to camp there with the spiders and snakes.
Oh my what a lovely outing you had! I felt like I was there with you as I looked through all the photos and read your narrative. That's my kind of outing for sure.
Wow Auntie! What a lovely jaunt! How lucky to find so much photographable material. Beautiful images!
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