When we moved we had to get new Utah plates and the old CA plates went to live on a shelf in the garage. One day I was visiting my friend and she too had old CA personalized plates... but she'd turned it into the roof for a bird house. GREAT IDEA! So now my old CA plate has a new home living happily on my bird house in the garden.
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerFrames, FRAME- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShot_Frames, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo_V2 TEXTURES- CoffeeShop Texture 4, chaotic soul, chaos 2
Nice! A tin roof for the birdies! Much better than some nasty silk flowers all over your outdoor crafty birdhouse..MUCH better :)
I just left your friends house with a CA plate for a bird house roof. She was helping me, and by helping I mean she was just doing it and I was watching, make a pillow case. I was asking her what she thought of a crib set I was wanting to make. She said talk to you about it and when I got home you had commented on my cute kiddos. Thank you by the way. Anyway, you were on my list of things to do tomorrow anyway because I wanted to know if you would quilt my bumpers, but now I need your advice all around. So be expecting a call :)Talk to you soon. Sorry for the novel.
Love it, Joanie.
Cute idea. It might confuse the birds, they might think they took a wrong turn and ended up in CA. See you soon. love p
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