Jan 11, 2011


How could a self-respecting, sequential/repeating number obsessed, winter-loving blogger, such as myself, let 1-1-11 get away without a post? Obviously... it didn't!

I don't know why repeating numbers please me, but they do.  

03-30-03 for example will always be a memorable day for me. And it is interesting that the Lord knows us so well that He will send us special gifts on such days; imprinted forever in our memory. It falls into the category of *Tender Mercies* for which I am so grateful. 

1-1-11- tree silhouette

So what of today- 1-11-11?

Nothing memorable has occurred THIS day (so far)... but that is all right because I am aware of the Lord's love for me every day. What a great blessing in my life.

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