Today?... yeah, take a look...
This photo says it all. You see the petunias buried under a blanket of snow, leaves from my Japanese maple and snow on the pumpkin! Gordon went out about noon (the snow started here at 9:30 am) and knocked the very wet snow off of our trees. Good thing too, several of our neighbor's trees have broken limbs from wet snow on branches still in full foliage. The good news is that here we didn't lose power like the folks back east!
Texture Tuesday stats-
kk_and then some - blending mode darker color 82%
kk_stained linen- blending mode vivid light 28%
What an oddity: snow on a pumpkin. You capture a very nice moment in time.
We had a very warm Halloween too. Great for the kids. Josh said they had a lot of heavy wind that night, but I didn't hear anything here. On Nov. 1st, we had clear sky, and a breezy wind blowing the yellow leaves from the tree out front. Perfect Fall day. It makes me sing that old Primary song: "Autumn Day, Bright and Gay...." Remember?
There is something lovely about a snow dusted pumpkin.
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