And I'm gonna tell you right up front that I DID NOT take this beautiful photo! Notice the green trees? Yup... we had naked trees. Credit goes to Art Meripol, Karen Lingo and was borrowed from the link above.
The sad part is that I really wanted to see this building AND visit in the quilt shoppe... but this is what I got to see instead (but not because we didn't pay for parking... just that we parked there)!
We parked right across the street from the building (you know, can't see the forest for the trees?), I saw the CLOSED quilt shoppe, walked down the stairs, around that corner, up the next street looking for other open shops and didn't think anything more about the beautiful building! I can't believe I missed MY photo op here!!
One of the locals told us that the whole area is filled with springs; cold artesian springs, not the hot kind, and the water bubbles up everywhere.
This is another example of the *rock-in-layers* that I love so much.
There weren't many shops open on a Friday afternoon in January. We did find several art galleries open. We found a cute shop that sold pre-owned furs. They had a beautiful red coat that was just a smidge too small for me... bummer. But I looked across the hall to a shoe store when a pair of red shoes called out my name! "Hey, little-Joanie! I'm 50% off... please take me home!" I'm of the opinion that one can never own too many pairs of red shoes so look who came home with me!
Erik, Megan and kids had visited Eureka Springs previously and told us there was a haunted hotel there. So of course we had to check that out too! The Crescent Hotel started life in 1886 as a hotel but "from 1908 to 1924, the building was utilized as the Crescent College and Conservatory for Young Women, but continued to act as a resort during the summers." It was also used as a cancer hospital in the 1930s.
As soon as I saw this sign I started singing the Disneyland Haunted Mansion song and gave Kristi that jibbles! I thought this sign was creepy enough to be at Disneyland's mansion!
But you know? We never did see any ghosts. But over a delicious dinner Megan did tell us that she has a friend who stayed there, with her daughters, on Friday the 13th! dun, DUN, DUN!!

The view from the top of the hotel was beautiful. I can only imagine how pretty it is when all the trees are dressed not naked!

Lastly this visit to rural Arkansas wouldn't be complete without a photo of all of the roller-coaster roads that dip, wind and twist through the rills, hollows and hills. OhMyStinkinHeck could you ever get good and carsick on these roads!
We had a lovely day together.
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