Feb 28, 2012

Then Life Happens...

Saturday I was nearing the end of my heritage album project. As I was wrapping it up I thought, "Daddy died that summer... why don't I have any photos?" A quick call to my sister Ann... the tears started to flow when I told her why I was calling. Wouldn't you think that after nearly 42 years... well, maybe not!**

Daddy's funeral, July 18, 1970 was the day I met my half-sister Sarah Jane, 47; and half-brother, Richard, 44. (Keep in mind I was only 17.) I always knew that Daddy had other older-grown-up-children and it was nice to finally meet them. I never saw or communicated with Richard after that day (he was a Catholic Monk) but I did keep in touch with Sarah Jane.


Now here is an epiphany... we'd lived for years in our little house with the falling-off-asphalt-siding. It embarrassed mom so badly but we never had the money to do anything about it.  It occurred to me, as I looked at these photos, that perhaps Mom was finally able to hire a local tradesman to re-side and spiff up the house because she'd  received a survivor's annuity or life insurance from daddy. How could I have never thought of that before?

This is Ann and baby-Andy behind Mom's house (always the worst side... which I invariable took photos of) before it was painted. (I couldn't figure out whose orange house this was)

When I came back home in September 1970 from Virginia for a short visit this is what I found! What a beautiful and happy exterior for Elsie's little house!

** So what of *Then Life Happens...*?
That summer of 1970 marks the beginning of some very difficult years for me. I suppose that is part of what brought on the tears. After spending all of those happy hours reminiscing my childhood I felt overwhelmed with what I know, now, would occur in the next 11 years.
I'm grateful to be at this end of my live with all of that Life-Happening behind me.  I'm grateful to know that I've been strengthened and comforted by my loving Savior.


Cindy Garber Iverson said...

That happy little olive green house is the house my memory knows as "Grammy's house". It is seared into my memory and this is from the time period when I remember it most. Thank you!

Cody said...

I LOVE all of these old pictures. It's fun to see you as young trouble makers!

Dean and Sheri said...

I love these photos and the reflections of your life, Joanie. You have definitely been through the refiner fire. Thank you for sharing so much of you.