Mar 3, 2012

Finding a Memory

About 2 weeks ago I wrote about a photo of my Mom taken in 1961. I was reminiscing about her, how she loved to read AND read to me. I mentioned one of my favorite stories, about a boy who turned into a cat, that I only heard once since we'd borrowed the book. Over the years I've looked for that book, but never with any success. My brother-in-law, Wayne, did a quick Google search *boy who turned into a cat* and came up with some information that others remembered this book and were also looking for it. He emailed me and suggested that I do the same.

SO I DID! (Thank you Wayne) I anxiously scanned what others had to say about this book... hoping beyond hope that this might finally be that elusive book I remembered from so long ago. I ordered the book which arrived this week.

AND guess what! Yes!


I wanted to read far enough into the book to be sure this was THE ONE! My most distinct memory of Peter, a boy who turns into a cat, was of his killing a rat (dreaded-poisoned-fanged-creatures!). As a totally-cat-crazy little girl this book really caught my imagination... it is so nice to find this old *memory* again.

It was originally published as Abandoned but later published as Jenny (it is written by Paul Gallico, author of Thomasina)


Anonymous said...

Oooo, now I want to read it, too!

Dean and Sheri said...

How WONDERFUL! I'm happy for you. What a wonderful brother-in-law. And I love how can find ANYTHING on the internet.