Aug 24, 2014

Ashton's Debut Recital

This last month has been a busy one for Ashton. She's been preparing for her debut recital. You would think that one recital would be enough, but no, this was the 3rd one in 15 days!

Since we've been to each of her recitals I don't think I comprehended what a *debut recital* entailed. It was over an hour of her playing; mostly without music! When I looked at the sheet music for the last concerto (it was a duet and only her teacher had the music) it was mind boggling! I asked her how she could memorize all of that. Her answer, "I have a photographic memory."

Ashton has a lovely touch and a gift for music. My personal favorite was an arrangement of If You Could Hie to Kolob (the music is taken from an Irish melody). It literally brought me to tears.

Ashton and her piano teacher, Kristi
And here is the funny part about our Ashton... she is obsessed with these funny bracelets. At her first recital I asked if she needed to take them off. I took her quite a few minutes to get all 28 of them off.

(But perhaps funnier still, that Grammie had to sort them.)

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