I needed some reminder that it is in fact March and that winter is almost over and the dark days are coming to an end. When I opened the blinds in the family room (which is in a half-depth basement) I could look right out and there were lilac buds to give me heart and encouragement. (OK, so why does that make me cry?) I needed that *tender mercy* from the Lord to remind me that, yes, the sun does come out again!
So I got my trusty little Lumix camera and went out to document this sign of hope and renewal. I left the nursery tag on my lilac bushes when I planted them 4 years ago. I stretched it out to remind myself what it was and found this:
Lilacs probably are my favorite flower for oh-so-many reasons! Lilacs always take me back to Mom's little house and the love and safety I remember there. (I talk more about that here.) I look forward to warm spring days and smelling the heady sent of lilacs wafting in the windows.
Lovely picture! I can't wait for spring.
I LOVE your buds. How beautiful!!
I always thought Mom's lilacs were so wonderful and no one had any that were half as good. I am surprised when I look at photos of the yard because they don't look like I remembered. . . Thanks for "looking" and "sharing"!!! The colors of life are delightful!
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