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My day started with happy news. I saw Diane and her little grand daughters walking from her sister's house past mine on her way to her house... being ever vigilant with my camera I ran out to get photos of this darling group. The happy news was that their friend from So. California was going to be there with his mongol Nikon 200 cameras (yes, 2 of them, and wonderful assorted professional equipment, drool...) and I was off the hook as *official photographer*... deep sigh!!!
A gentleman commented on how lovely Sandie looked in her wedding ensemble. I was just tickled at how beautiful she was and how happy both of them looked. What a lovely idea. (Every week Sandie told be she could hardly wait to wear her coat). I am so pleased.
Even though I wasn't the *offical photographer* I did get my share of shots and composed this one. (Hey, I got 59 shot... just a smidge)
My happy neighbors... I love this family so much. I really identify with the all female home that they live in... so much like my growing up.
Lastly, Diane and girls wanted to make sure that no one had to make the 1.5+ hour drive home hungry so they prepared these lovely boxed lunches. I ate the contents, but I'm saving the box!
Happy day... happy snowy-honeymoon Sandie and Matthew. I just know you're waiting anxiously for my post (snicker...)
What a FUN post! I especially like the mom and sisters photo...and I don't even know these women.
Love, Sheri
So glad I got to meet Diane when we visited. Your photos are precious. The Girlies are all so joyous -- I started to say HAPPY, but I think "joyous" is a better word!
You do such a wonderful job with your pics and comments. They are "joyous" too!!
Well, my dearie, we were both in Manti today -- You, in the a.m. -- us in the p.m. for our veil assignment. I think you were long-gone before we showed up. Glad you had a great day!!!!!!
Oh my goodness me--- you took some fabulous pics! We've been looking at the last minute "official" photographers pics all morning and I think we also need copies of your pics! Thank you SO much for coming down to be with us all... and for making Sandies gorgeous dress that my whole family is in AWE of! No one can believe that our Joanie made the jacket... it just shows how amazing you are!!!
We love you oodles and oodles!!
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