Today my sweet sister called me from the road (by Nephi, that's about an hour away) and I said what'cha doing up this way? Coming to see you she replied! Hmmm... that one totally flew by me. She assures me we talked about it earlier in the week... (Yes, I DO remember the phone conversation, just not that part. Oh, sad story... I wish I could blame it on age, but I've always been this way!!) Anyway, they came for the express purpose of bringing me a shamrock plant (hmmm... so why isn't
that the POTD?? This post isn't shaping up too well is it?)
OK, should I start over? Yes...
Today I was visiting with my sister and her husband at my nephew's (their son's) house. In his front yard are the sweetest little crocus I've ever seen. They were seriously about the size of a dime! Compare it to the size of the blade of grass! They were popping up in the grass; there were white with a purple tinge, yellow and then this yellow with the purple tinge. Just beautiful! I'm sitting here smiling just thinking about them!
Just looked at your last 3 posts. Love them! I am so glad there are little floweries out and alive in the outside world. Gives me hope.
It was so much fun to go with you and your marsupial photo-machine to see what you take pics of. The little crocuses are lovely and sweet, and you captured their beauty.
Thanks for going to Jake's with us! Hanging around with your really made it a nice day --- a greater reward than the investment of a shamrock!! Enjoy your little Patty Plant!!!
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