I think the one thing that sticks out most to me are comments made during the opening session by a Sister Webb. She told us about the hymn Now Let Us Rejoice. It was written by W W Phelps just after the Saints had been driven out of Jackson County Missouri in the dead of winter. Imagine... what a difficult time to rejoice!
After she'd talked about the hymn and told us how we were to sing it we did sing it. I was a mess before the first line was even finished! To think of the trials that we all go through and that we are to rejoice... In the Strength of the Lord all things can be met with joy!
Sister Webb told us "You make the difference!" And you know, she's right. With the strength of the Lord we can make the difference
now look how cute you are! I couldn't show my face without a touch up for sure!! Love this
I'm so glad you are able to have such a great time with your family! I wish mine was closer.
". . . no longer as strangers on earth need we roam . . " That's the part that got me. And it was so absolutely wonderful to be there with you and your Bek.
Thank you, thank you for a great vacation with two Sweeties!
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