Today was my first day of yard work for 2009... yes, I know, there are lots of my neighbors who've been out there for weeks now... but today the out-of-doors just called to me.
I unearthed the lawnmower from the shed where it has been happily hibernating since mid November when I gave the lawn a super short winter haircut in hopes of getting rid of some of the thick thatching I have in my lawn. It is looking better this spring, but still not where I want it to be [and that little voice says, then maybe you should have been out there 2 weeks ago! nanny-nanny!]
I love the smell of freshly mown grass. I'd only been outside in my short-sleeved shirt and shorts for a few minutes before I realized I really didn't want to get a sunburn so I came in and sprayed on some Coppertone SPF 50. Ahh, that smell transported me back 50 years and summer... yes, I do like that.
After the lawn was finished and the weedless flower beds mulched with the grass clippings [thank you, Miss Diane, for that tip!] I traded in the lawnmower for my camera and went out for some spring shots. [And laid in a bunch of ants... they weren't too happy and neither was I!]
This captures on film those soft spring colors that I love.
Bradford Pear aka fruitless pear or flowering pear. (f 1.8 1/4000 shutter speed, ISO 100, 50mm lens)
After some more photos... not all so good since I'm trying to learn how to shoot on manual I traded in the camera on my babing-suit [that's an Amanda-ism] and went out and soaked up some Vitamin D [now THAT is a photo you will NEVER see on my blog!!!LOL]
Love the blossoms! And the recipe is one of my fav's. We call it "Paradise Cake". Justin just bought himself a camera just like yours I think...something like a Cannon Rebel. I think that's what it's called. He's loving it!
Oh my gosh what a gorgeous picture! You really do have the most amazing photos. Is that a 50 mm? Looks awesome
Oh, that is sweet. Almost as sweet as my cute auntie! Good to see you last night!
Looks beautiful enough for a wedding, Joanie!!
Thanks for sharing Joe's b-day with us last night!!
Love you, Annie
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