Nov 7, 2009

311- Sweet Golden Light

I headed up the stairs and saw the most sweet, golden light emanating from my quilting room. I couldn't imagine why I'd left the light on in there. When I peeked into the room I saw that it was the light reflecting off my globe willow. You've all heard of *Old Man Willow*... my willow is a lithe young woman in a full, sweeping, golden skirt. I just love this tree. In its short four years living in my front yard she has grown tall and strong; providing shade and beauty.

311- willow
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2

As an aside... I've spent the last 3 days working out in the yard. We've been blessed with some almost unheard of 70 degree days in November! Since I've had these *gift-days* I've been able to put my garden to bed. I've never gotten the opportunity before to do this.

On Tuesday we had some very nice Tongans (we love our Tongans!!) come and trim all the fruit trees and the 3 large lilac bushes. It inspired me to do the rest of the yard. Every thing is trimmed, dug, planted, thinned, pruned and ready for a long winter's nap.

Today I finally tackled the task of thinning my Iris. They were planted in the same bed with the currant bushes. Iris is one of those very memory evoking flowers. Mom always had lots of beautiful Iris in her yard. Many were the times I *helped* her with the thinning and replanting process. I felt very close to my Mama today... there digging in my dirt, doing what she used to do. It was a very pleasant day.

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