I found out several weeks ago that most of our family will be elsewhere for Thanksgiving... and since Thanksgiving happens to be my favoritest holiday I didn't want to get left out. So I turned 3rd Sunday Grammie Dinner into an early Thanksgiving! We had our gathering of family (sans Stuart and Laura*) and the feast. I love the cooperation we have for this happy feast. Each family accepts an assignment to bring yummy-ness and all I have to do is provide the turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, AND Camille is in charge of the orange rolls... ahh, the orange rolls... (where are the leftovers? I think I need one RIGHT NOW!!)
Oh, sorry, I'll get back on track here.
But I'm not the only one who looks forward to family coming...
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- pilgrim paper, Brown-Paper-Texture from JS.com class
Harley lives for his family to come... he lapses into paroxysms of joy when they arrive... it really is pitiful to behold.
* AND where might Stuart and Laura be, you may ask? They are in AZ... Stuart has an interview at U of A Med School. Wish him luck!
And it was wonderful, too!
That is so squishy! Just makes me happy! I'm sure you could join the Bouchers for Thanksgiving. We are heading to Joe and Jen's...and hey, I just invited you :) Even though I'm not in charge...but if you and Gordie want to join the party, tell me and I'll "inform" Jen.
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