Nov 4, 2009

307- Who Was She?

I don't normally take photos of or blog about a quilt I haven't made myself. But today is going to be an exception. This lovely quilt came to me via my sister, Sue, my sister-quilter. She has a knack for finding old tops or blocks, then she repairs and finishes them and she sends it *out* to be quilted. This time I was the lucky girl who got to do the quilting.

As I was *loading* the quilt on my big frames I noticed the tiny hand stitches used to construct these star blocks. I've done my share of hand-piecing so I have great admiration for her tiny, even stitches.

307- quilt 1

I wish that quilt tops could talk. I could detect original 30s fabrics with a very old and yellowed muslin (see above). There were blocks that look more like 40s fabric with a different muslin. Then there is the newest and whitest of the muslin that I know Sue put in the quilt.

As I worked on this quilt I pondered what that original quilter thought about her creation. Was she the one who did both the 30s and 40s blocks with those delicate stitches? What would she think about my addition to *her* quilt with my machine quilting?

307- quilt 2

Would she approve? Would she be pleased at the wonderful machine that I have? Would she be impressed that I can finish in one day what would have taken a dozen of her peers several days to finish?

307- quilt 3

Is she pleased with the beauty of her *finally-finished* quilt? I don't know about her, but I am very pleased with the results and hope my dear sister will be too.

307- quilt 4
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow


Jessica said...

What a lovely quilt! I think she would love it, too.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

I hadn't seen this find of my mom's. Wow! How beautiful the color combination is! I think the woman that pieced this would be floored at the ability you have now... and she would want a machine too. :-)

P.S. The word verification word is "theaded"... almost "threaded"... pretty cool.