Lucky Grammie to have this view!
My niece, Cindy, made a post to her blog recently about Yosemite. That wonderful place has deep roots in this girls heart!
My grand parents- Bill & El Munce
Rebekah lives only an hour south of Yosemite in (aptly named)Yosemite Lake Park aka YLP. So now when I go to Yosemite to that place where so long ago Bill and El sealed their love I come with their great-great-grandsons! I love this circle of life.
The Flynns and Grammie 2/06 (also w/Orton effect)
Don't you dare try this!!
Granddad Bill Munce handfeeding bears at Yosemite
summer 1912
(when Elsie Louise Munce was conceived!)
As a mother I've worked so hard to let my kids know that I love them so very much while still being the "heavy" and teaching them to do the right things. One of my favorite quotes is, "You teach your kids to grow-up and lead independent, responsible, adult lives... and then darned if they just don't go and DO IT!"
I am so grateful to call Rebekah my daughter, but more importantly, my friend.
This week's prompt was our "nerdy little secret". The first thing that popped into my mind was my desire to organize everything especially by color. It all goes back to when I was a child... the first thing I wanted to do was get all of my crayons in color sequence (hence the background photo)
As I have gotten older this carried over into my quilting stash. I have a box (sometimes two) for every color with the fabric folded just so and standing on edge so it is like looking in that old box of crayons.
Then a few years ago when I was looking for my favorite red T-shirt and couldn't find it because it was hiding I decided my closet needed this same treatment. Now all I have to do it look through 4-5 shirts instead of the whole bunch... well, except for white. (Can anyone have too many white T-shirts?)
So the answer to "You Decide..." is "It just makes me happy..." Now some may say this is OCD but it is just so much easier to find things if they are color grouped!
I'm having such a marvelous visit. The first night I was here Spencer, Tricia and Riley came over to Auntie P's, where I am staying. Riley has grown so fast. He is not even 7 months yet and already right off the chart! He is proportionate but right off the chart. He is 25 pounds and 33 inches tall. He has such a darling personality. Tricia says he is so dramatic. He throws back his head and laughs. He turns on the charm the minute you point the camera at him.
I love watching Spencer and Tricia with their darling little son. They are such a sweet and lucky family.