I've received my first Blog Award from Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage! I was pleasantly surprised to get the email note from Cindy that this had occurred.
"The 'Arte y Pico' award was created and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and their talents, whether it be writing, artwork in all media. When you receive this award it is considered a 'special honor'. Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to at least 5 others."
So now it is time for me to pass it on. Since my "art" is perhaps a little different that where 'Arte y Pico' has been previously I need to explain that my "art" comes from a wonderful and different source- scrapbooking.
To me, the queen of all scrapbook artists is Jessica Sprague. I stumbled on to her website about a year ago (and I found out since that it was quite new at the time). She is an absolute guru of Photoshop magic! I've taken two of her classes and have participated in many of her tutorials and PhotoShop Fridays. What a wonderful place to grow. She has such a good eye for design and such an easy way of teaching. My big thanks to all her inspiration!
Also from the Spraground (the affectionate term for Jessica's website and forum) is Liv Estaban. What a wonderful one woman dynamo! I don't think she ever sleeps! She shares her talents freely with the rest of her playmates. I've marveled at her May-photo-a-day project and she is constantly creating digital elements to share.
Then there is Kimi Boustany also from the Spraground. She loves to push to artistic envelope with her photography! I will forever be indebted to her for her take on the Orton Effect (I don't think she made it up, but she did dumbed it down to keystrokes for folks like me!) Wow, do I love the effect. She does some wonderful things with textures. I particularly like her gerbara daisy.
I have one last non-blog award to make with the 'Arte y Pico' (yes, I know it is only four, what can I say?) It is to my big-sister, Ann. She has no blog to send you to, no formal art to view except what I have to share.

This is a sketch that she just shared with me this last week. The photo on the left has been Orton-ized (what else?). It is of me at age 12 with my funny little dog. It was done a few years ago as part of an art class.
But the broader and more important picture is that Ann is my introduction to art. From the time I was little she has showered me with her creations: a set of six international dolls, Raggedy Ann & Andy, a doll as large as I was, clay figures, embroidered pillowcases, quilts and other various gifts of art. But my most prized sketch is the one she did of the last photo I have of Tony, Rebekah & Amanda at Mt Lassen the day of the accident. I know that she agonized and worked to get it just right. That means so much to me.