I love this quote-
It accurately describes how I feel about my writing this week. I don't think I am writing as much as I would like too, or perhaps, should. But it seems that just thinking about it and doing it has improved my ability to get what I want onto paper.
Friday's free-write was on Today-
a day in my normal life. At this retirement-phase of my life my normal day is so different from what it was 5 or 10 years ago! And I like that! I am so grateful for these changing times and seasons of my life.
The thought occurred to me that I wanted to write about
this Autumn Day
in my life. (But now that I analyze it I suppose that it's not only true in the sense that it is now autumn here in the Rocky Mountains but I am entering the autumn of my life.)
I sat down here in my lovely upstairs, corner, workroom that has ample windows to enjoy the sights and sounds of my neighborhood. The words just flowed out of the ends of my fingers onto the keyboard. When I finished I was stunned! What a gift! I don't know that I've ever been able to just sit and write exactly what I wanted without editing involved.

My next task was to go capture the images from my thoughts.

Saturday's assignment was to put all of it together in a wonderful scrapbook layout. (Can I just say, I really enjoy this class?) I love to be able to manipulate digital papers, auditioning until I find just the right combination! I really enjoy this facet of digital scrapbooking, no waste! I when I "cut" into that favorite piece of delicious paper it isn't all used up! I still have it to use as many times as I want! What a lovely perk!
In the midst of this process the words of one of my favorite Primary songs came floating into my mind and I had to add those them to my layout as well. I am fairly sure that this is one of the songs that was changed between the time I learned it, ages ago, and when the current Children's Hymn Book was printed. I didn't have room to fit all the words to the song on the LO so I will include them here.
Autumn Day, bright and gay, God gives richest gifts today.
Look on ev'ry side and see pleasant things for you and me.
Apples red and apples yellow, round and juicy, sweet and mellow.
Load the trees till they bend over and their branches brush the clover.
Child, be glad with all that lives, but forget not God, who gives
Words & Music A. B. Ponsonby