So here is my story. I'll show you my finished hair lest you start to panic part way through the story. (I'll tell you I sure did some panicking half way through my story!)
FONT- Albemarle Swash, ACTION- CoffeeShop PowderRoom 2, BRUSH- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShot_Horizontal6, MCO_BohoFlourishes06, 17GrungeBorderBarsBrushSet TEXTURES- WritingonParchment2, F1
After letting my hair grow for almost 3 years I realized that I just need a shorter style. So about 3 weeks ago I had Desi cut it shorter. It looked great for about 1 hour after I did my hair and then it would be flat and blah. That means a perm. I talked to Desi, who is back in school carrying 17 credits she was going to be too busy to give me a perm but she dropped by one of her perms so I could do it myself (which isn't a big deal... I've permed my own hair for years).
So last evening after mowing the lawn I came in and permed my hair. The curl took wonderfully but since my hair was basically one length it bushed out on the bottom. The original plan was that I would perm my hair and then Desi would cut it for me. But last night those long pieces just had to go... so I trimmed my hair a little. I asked Gordon what he thought when I was finished (I thought it looked ok). He told me it was an old hairstyle. Hmmm, what does he know? But when I got up this morning and looked in the mirror I saw the same hairstyle that frumpy old ladies wear. Ahhhhhhhhhh...
I figured I would just trim it a little more... for years I've cut my own hair. The more I trimmed the worse it got... (coincidentally a friend of mine recently buzzed her head and now wishes she hadn't!) I quick put down the scissors (step away from the scissors and nobody gets hurt!), called my sweet daughter-in-law and cried, "Jess, help!" She told me I could come up in about an hour. So I drove myself with my very *with it* asymmetrical hairdo up to Jess's house and she fixed me up all pretty. Bless you sweet Jess!
With all of that being said... I'm so glad to have short hair again!
love it. so much more my BFF joanie.
Like mine to.
It's cute and fun....and I'm all about shorty pants hair. I am anti-fuss when it comes to hair. But I must say, this works on you, it shows off your cute twinkly grammy eyes! (You and mom both have those ;)
I have always liked your hair short, Joanie! It is very perky, just like you!! And bless Jessica!!
I have to agree with Sarie! Don't you love the "cute Twinkley Grammy Eyes" remark . . .
Love ya, honey!
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