I'm always pleasantly surprised at how different the gardens are from year to year. This year the theme seemed to be lots of hot orange and hot pink! Always a hot combination for me (see the last photo in the post). But this beauty is what stole my heart this trip. I've never seen a more beautiful yellow rose! Proflowers says the meaning of yellow roses is joy and friendship; which is very appropriate since this describes my time with DeLoris.
But here's the funny part... we'd just parked the car when up pulls Jessica and the kids! "I was just thinking we might see Grammie here today!" They needed to park but we both met up at the front desk. They were ready to be off and discovering while DeLoris and I waited for a golf cart to become available. I walked out with the family to get this sweet shot of my fam.
Roxie- "Mom, can I roll down the hill?"
Jess- "Sure."
Grammie- "Christian can you move to one side so I can get a photo?" At which point the previously uninterested roller (Christian) joined his sister for the photo op! bwahahahahaha.
DeLoris and I had to wait about 15 minutes for a cart to become available. But soon we too were off and exploring. We'd been cruising for about half an hour when we worked our way up to the top of the Acropolis when I hear, "Grammie, Grammie!" There, toiling bravely in the heat, is my little family from Lewis Zoo.
I grabbed the camera to get that shot and when I turned around who do I see? Heather and her parents! We had a little visit way up on top and then were off in search of some weary travelers!
Let me tell you! They were happy to see the Grammie with her golf cart! What you can't see is Roxie and DeLoris hiding on the front seat. Jess sat on the back and dragged the stroller... they were pooped and flushed! We ferried them past the waterfalls and up the steep hill one has to climb to get back to the parking lot.
After sweet goodbyes from my family DeLoris and I took another turn around the gardens. This time around I saw these beautiful purple flowers. I thought they might be ranuculus but upon further investigation I don't think they are. Does anyone know what this beautiful plant is called? (Sheri tells me these are LISIANTHUS!)
It was a lovely day made more wonderful by meeting friends and family unexpectedly. And you know what? There is still one more Tuesday in August!
Beautiful flowers! Maybe I'll have to make a trek down there! They still look that amazing??? So fun you ran into your family there :)
What a fun, serendipitous family reunion! What beautiful children. What lovely flowers...especially the LISIANTHUS!!
It was so fun to see you there! And thank you for the ride! :)
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