I started the day by eating fresh raspberries and peaches (ah, I love this time of year). But then it was a time to get busy.
First on my list was to turn 18 *clam shells* of raspberries into raspberry-vanilla jam! I made some back in July and I NEEDED more. Of course, it helps that Ream's had raspberries on sale again.
Next on the list was tomatoes. This is a sampling of what's growing in my garden this year.
I planted two heirloom tomatoes: a golden and a purple. The are pretty but in my book you just can't beat the taste of those good ol' Early Girl[s].
Let's see, where were we? Jam x 21 half pints... tomatoes processed. Don't you think that ought to be enough for a Domestic Goddess.
My trouble-maker neighbor has been posting her wonderful oatmeal bread all week long!
AND I did just happen to have one half pint of open raspberry vanilla jam!
Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!
Gordon says, "I have a suggestion for you- DON'T BE GIVIN' AWAY ANY OF THIS BREAD!"
Ok, so instead of giving it away, maybe you could just post the recipe?? :)
Ooooo I can almost smell the fresh-baked bread wafting off these great photos.
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