Sep 12, 2012

The Fruits of My Labors

When I went to a gardening class a few years ago the instructor asked how much of the growing process the gardener is responsible for. I was surprised at the answer:


Sounds crazy doesn't it? The Master Gardener does the other 95%! I like that.

But once the fruit is ripe, yeah, that ends up back on the 5%'er! That would be me...

aka *The Little Red Hen*!

So this little red hen spent all day Monday harvesting the grapes. Oh my goodness! The vines were loaded! I picked: 9- 3 gallon BYU buckets, 3- medium sized lettuce boxes (which equals 2 BYU buckets) and a large potato box (probably 4 buckets worth!).

Note to self- Next time remove the kitchen shears and pruning shears from your back pockets before taking a potty break!! (bwahahahaha)

green grapes

Now that LRH had all of those grapes you know what she had to do? Yup, do SOMETHING with them. Previously I've made-
  • Juice the WRONG way (it looked like green pea soup! ick)
  • Juice the HARD way (too time consuming)
  • Raisins (the UTAH way- with a dehydrator and LOTS of stemming- click on the grapes/raisins tag to read about that escapade)
But someone finally told me about the steam juice extractor... Now THAT is the RIGHT way! Behold 47 quarts of pink grape juice! Yes, PINK juice from green grapes!

pink juice

I think the pink color has something to do with oxidation... sure is pretty!

** Today's photos were edited on my iPhone with Snapseed- it's like PhotoShop for your iPhone! Love it!

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